Grand Antique marble, from the Pyrenees Mountains, is renowned for its naturally occurring stark black-and-white contrast. It’s been in demand among the elite as early as antiquity. The Romans quarried it for centuries, and it’s featured in St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, as well as Joseph Napoleon’s tomb. But mining this marble ground to a halt nearly 70 years ago, until a quarryman rediscovered it. Now, a square meter of Grand Antique costs nearly $2,000.
00:00 – Introduction
01:27 – Rediscovering the Quarry
04:22 – Extracting Grand Antique
05:27 – Flooding the Market
06:46 – Grand Antique Clients
12:01 – Trying to Extract Again
13:12 – The Future Market
13:55 – Credits
#marble #expensive #businessinsider
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Why Grand Antique Marble Is So Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider