More than a thousand Palestinian prisoners and detainees have been released as part of phase one of the ceasefire deal with Israel.
On Saturday, over 300 people were returned to the occupied West Bank, Gaza, or deported to Egypt.
Many have spoken about the months and years they spent in Israeli custody and stories continue to emerge of abuse, deprivation and torture.
Palestinian prison groups have issued an urgent warning about the fate of thousands of prisoners in Ofer military Prison in the occupied West Bank after the Israeli Prisons Service said it had stormed detainee cells.
An Israeli spokesperson said that prisoners began banging on doors during a military unit’s tour of the prison.
The Palestinian Prisoners’ society says Israel is carrying out a “large-scale repression operation”, including beating prisoners and firing tear gas.
There are more than 10,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
Human rights groups have previously accused Israel of violent abuse in Ofer Prison.
Milena Ansari is an Israel and Palestine Researcher at Human Rights Watch.
She says the number of Palestinians being detained without charge has risen sharply since the war on Gaza began.
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