Why is land in the West Bank being sold off to US citizens? | The Take

Expansions of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank are proceeding at a record pace, and in the US town of Teaneck, New Jersey, some residents are organizing to fight real estate sales to American Jews. It’s set off accusations of anti-Semitism and ratcheted up tension in the small community. What’s next for Teaneck?

In this episode: 

– Rich Siegel, Teaneck resident

Episode credits:

This episode was produced by Marcos Bartolomé, Duha Mossad, Hagir Saleh, Cole van Miltenburg and our host, Kevin Hirten. It was edited by Sarí El-Khalili.

Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our video editors are Hisham Abu Salah and Mohannad al-Melhem. Alexandra Locke is The Take’s executive producer. Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio.

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